100% free 23-page report details how to create an income for life, strategies to reduce tax and retire early!
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100% free 23-page report details how to create an income for life, strategies to reduce tax and retire early!
Simply click the button below to get the free report
Specialising in helping people aged 45 and above
create an income for life and live a comfortable retirement
At Delta Financial Group we equip you to think about, behave, react and use money in a way that puts you in the driver’s seat. We are your personal sounding board and help you evaluate all your options and make smart financial decisions. To help you make the best choices and “create an income for life”.
As a valued client, you will receive the benefits of our leadership and management of a team of experts to give you clarify and control of your future, as well as our personal attention, professional advice, timely information and efficient administration.
Think of us as your personal Chief Financial Officer (CFO), where our role is to apply financial acumen to your personal situation. To provide a methodical approach to managing money and use proven strategies to enhance what you’ve got and create opportunities for improvement.
Our services and strategies are tried and tested and come from a collective pool of creative thinking, unique financial strategies and the latest in technology.
We’re all about you and what you want. We provide the tools and support, and help you control your money. After all, it’s YOURS.
When you join our Delta family, you get us for the long-haul. We’re by your side all the way, helping you navigate the complex world of financial management.
Managing money is serious business. Most of our clients are living busy lives, and rather than wasting their valuable time trying to sort out their financial affairs, they work with us so they can focus on the fun stuff—planning for a more enjoyable life – today and in the future.
What do I need to do with my money today to achieve my financial goals
The key to a secure future and a comfortable retirement is all in the planning.
It’s about:
And it’s about having a reliable income that you control… at every stage of your life.
We help you build a roadmap to reach your goals and achieve what is most important to you.
Design a blueprint that prioritises what matters to you the most.
Prepare a secure future so you can retire with no worries.
Retire in comfort earlier by making the most out of your retirement savings.
Develop an investment strategy that suits your risk tolerance and retirement needs.
Grow your wealth with a disciplined and diversified lifestyle.
Take control of your debt while still enjoying your current lifestyle
Increase your overall wealth by saving significant amounts of taxes.
Get ahead sooner by controlling your cash with discipline.
Delta Financial Group helped Jeff & Sam with a plan to retire in 10 years with a retirement income of $150,000 per year indexed to inflation.
We helped them understand the importance of diversification and the benefits of the superannuation and pension environments to provide a tax-effective income when they choose to stop working
By discussing their objectives in detail and modelling the future outcomes, Jeff and Sam had a clearly defined retirement goal and roadmap to get them there.
Delta Financial Group is often featured in the news as it continues deliver quality retirement planning advice to Australians.
“Firm specialises in helping clients achieve financial independence”
“They have assisted over 200 clients with financial planning and retirement strategies”
“Featured as finance expert on Sky Business”
“5th straight year of positive growth”
“Highly trusted financial adviser”
“Empowering clients to make informed decisions about their retirement plans”
Helpful tips and insights on how to best manage your finances, help grow your wealth, reduce your tax and retire comfortably.
Retirement is a major milestone in life, requiring careful planning and preparation. If you’re about a decade away from retiring, taking the necessary steps to ensure financial security in your golden years is essential. In this article, we’ll explore seven key financial things you should consider doing a decade before retiring. By evaluating your retirement […]
It’s tax season! Let’s kick it off with some savvy strategies to boost your finances and set the stage for a brighter retirement.
Beware the pitfall: numerous high earners fall short of their retirement goals by underestimating their yearly super contributions.
Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Our latest article dives deep into debunking 11 common myths about personal finance that could be holding you back from achieving your money goals.
Discover the truth behind these misconceptions and empower yourself to make informed decisions about your finances.
We believe that financial planning is not all about the money. It’s about you and your life, first and foremost. Having money allows you to make choices, enjoy more and worry less.
We also believe that financial planning is not simply a case of ‘set and forget’, it’s about planning continually and forming a meaningful relationship.
We’ll be with you through the highs and the lows, the challenges and the victories.
We are an experienced team made up of equal parts financial know-how and a caring heart.
We’re always abreast of the current and most relevant economic, global and market information, so we can keep you up to date and make necessary changes along the way.
Our services and strategies are tried and tested and come from a collective pool of creative thinking, unique financial strategies and the latest in technology.
We’re all about you and what you want. We provide the tools and support, and help you control your money. After all, it’s YOURS.
When you join our Delta family, you get us for the long-haul. We’re by your side all the way, helping you navigate the complex world of financial management.
All our advice is documented and explained, so you fully understand the benefits, actions, risks, costs and expectations. We’ll take care of the admin and paperwork and manage it through to completion, so nothing is missed, and you get results sooner.
If you’re happy, we’re happy.
In order to get the full benefit of our personalised service and yield truly effective results for long term financial security, there is a minimum cost to work together, starting from $5K (+gst) pa.
The actual cost will depend on what you need and the type of advice and support necessary to make it happen. As we’re not a ‘one size fits all service,’ we will let you know the exact cost after we meet.
However, if already feels this investment this is out of your reach, there are other ways we can help you out.
Our resources page is packed full of complimentary materials including blog posts, informative videos, education guides, white papers and even eBooks you can download for free at any time.
All material is well researched, prepared exclusively by our very own in-house finance experts, and based on what we believe is important when it comes to using money to get more out of life.
The initial consultation is on the house and entirely obligation free. We only ask that you commit to a time and be fully present when we do meet.
It’s all about getting to know each other, learning about you, your family, your goals and wishes for the future. It’s also about gauging whether or not we’d be a good fit for each other over the long-term.
We appreciate that taking the next step is not always a given, and that’s OK. That’s what the first meeting (initial consultation) is for. And that’s why it’s on us.
You can.
There are countless fantastic tools and resources available for people who wish to handle their finances and plan on their own. However, even with all the resources available, unless you have at least a basic knowledge of how money works, a lot of time, and are very disciplined, most people are simply unable to stay on top of things consistently.
Planning for the future involves far more than simply researching funds and staying up to date with the markets. There are many moving parts, and like a jigsaw, unless each piece is put in the right place, the picture won’t be complete.
Investing in our help is essentially an investment in your happiness. It reduces the risk of making a potentially irreparable mistake by missing a crucial step, or not keeping on top of economic and market developments, as well as other important but often overlooked factors, such as unexpected life changes or events.
Managing money is serious business. Most of our clients are living busy lives, and rather than wasting their valuable time trying to sort out their financial affairs, they work with us so they can focus on the fun stuff—planning for a more enjoyable life – today and in the future.
We could be a good fit if:
On the other hand, we may NOT be right for you if:
Firstly, congratulations on making the decision to take the next step towards something that could impact your entire life in the best possible way.
We warmly invite you to get in touch with us by clicking this link and booking a time to meet.
We really look forward to getting to know you and seeing how we may be able to help.
Not found what you’re looking for? Please get in touch, we’d be delighted to help.
Complete the form and we will schedule a chat at the most convenient time for you.
100% free 23-page report details how to create an income for life, strategies to reduce tax and retire early!
Simply click the button below to get the free report