Case Study


Step One

Initial Meeting

At our initial meeting, which is no cost to you, we will discuss your retirement plans and strategies for you to consider.

Feedback from our clients is that they walk out of this meeting knowing a ‘lot more’ than when they first walked in.

Come prepared with as many questions as you please. This initial meeting is FREE of charge. It’s a chance for us to get to know each other and answer your questions.

Step Two

Retirement Plan – $3,950

Whether you are still planning your retirement or have already retired, our fixed fee retirement income plan includes:

  1. Forecasts for How Long Your Money Will Last
  2. Alignment of Retirement Income to Meet Your Lifestyle
  3. Retirement Strategies for Consideration
  4. Identification of Risks
  5. Preparation Recommendations
  6. Alignment of Money with Your Values
  7. Superannuation & Pension Analysis
  8. Five Silo Structuring Recommendations

You have no ongoing obligation upon completion of this retirement plan.

Upon completion, you have the choice to utilise our ongoing service offer. This is shown in Step 3 below.

Our ongoing service offer is payable monthly, either out of your superannuation fund or personally. Whichever you prefer.

‘No surprises’ is our surety to you. There is no long term commitment. Our service may be cancelled at any time at your discretion. You remain in control.

Founder and Principal Financial Advisor

Let us contact you

Complete the form and we will schedule a chat at the most convenient time for you.